This blog is about how to setup gpu drivers and nvidia-smi for Deep Learning in ubuntu servers.
This guide will be using conda install of python as it is easier to maintain and keep track of correct versions using it.
No particular dependencies except this has been only tested on ubuntu 16.04 LTS and 18.04 LTS.
(Should work in other versions as well)
Download conda :
Install the latest version of conda :
Here during installing add the path to ~/bashrc, so that you can call conda using bash
Now create a new conda virtual environment for TF-GPU
conda create -n TFGPU -c defaults tensorflow-gpu
(this will install the tensorflow base gpu, cudnn and all required modules)
Then after this start it by using
conda activate TFGPU
(But at this point there are no nvidia drivers so module wont use gpu)
Now install nvidia-drivers ( this takes a little bit time)
echo "Checking for CUDA and installing."
# Check for CUDA and try to install.
if ! dpkg-query -W cuda; then
# The 16.04 installer works with 16.10.
curl -O
dpkg -i ./cuda-repo-ubuntu1604_8.0.61-1_amd64.deb
apt-get update
# apt-get install cuda -y
sudo apt-get install cuda-8-0